Sitescope monitors. Reports Page. Sitescope monitors

 Reports PageSitescope monitors  Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports

SiteScope overview. Tools. An alert definition contains settings that tell SiteScope what monitors can trigger the alert, what condition to watch for, what information to send, and who should be the recipient s of the alert. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. SiteScope Overview. To use the tool when configuring or editing a monitor, click the Use Tool button. This monitor enables you to integrate existing system management scripts into the SiteScope environment by running external commands and reporting the command result. Reports Page. SiteScope monitors collect key performance measurements and report topology on a wide range of back-end infrastructure components. Tools. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. This task describes the steps involved in configuring SiteScope to monitor data on remote Windows servers using WMI. Ran the monitor in SiteScope, and then disabled the monitor. Logging Settings. Management Report. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. SiteScope health monitoring enhancements. Set Monitor Thresholds Using a Baseline. The monitors are individually configured to automatically test performance and availability of systems and services in the network environment. Note More than one driver file is available for download. Database Information Tool. To use the tools that are available when configuring specific monitors, you must be a SiteScope administrator user, or a user granted Use monitor tools. By default, SiteScope deletes. Make sure to integrate Operations. Graph Metrics Options. Management Report. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. mib_SG to be able to use it in SiteScope via. Using the Configuration Tool, you can export SiteScope data such as templates, logs, monitor configuration files, server certificates, scripts, and so forth from your current SiteScope for later import into SiteScope. Monitor Summary Report. Reports Page. For example, the unit of measurement used for the CPU monitor is a percentage and the unit of measurement used for the Disk Space monitor is number of bytes. Database Connection Tool. SiteScope starts/restarts SiteScope sends a brief message each time that SiteScope restarts. Extend UNIX Monitoring Using Operating System Adapters. SiteScope integration with CyberArk supports dual account mode. Select a server from the server list (only those iLO remote servers that have been configured in SiteScope are displayed), or click Add Remote Server to add an iLO server. It is therefore recommended that you modify the xml file as needed so that. The following new key features are available with this version: SiteScope follows the principles of Agile Development and releases customer-centered innovation every three months. Creates a hyperlink in the event to the monitor URL. SiteScope provides additional monitoring that complements the native LoadRunner and Performance Center monitors. Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote Unix Servers. Graph Metrics Options. For detailed information on the performance counters that. Monitor Load Checker Monitor. Management Report. 2. SiteScope provides more than 100 out-of-the-box monitors covering aspects such as utilization, response time, usage, and resource availability. Mail Details Dialog Box. SiteScope can be configured to send alerts whenever it detects a problem in the IT infrastructure. Management Report. Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote UNIX Servers. SiteScope for Windows automatically generates a list of servers visible in the local domain. Configure Remote Monitoring Using Secure Shell (SSH) How to Configure Remote UNIX Servers for SSH monitoring. Database Information Tool. To use the tool when configuring or editing. example - runExistingMonitorEx - execute one monitor # # extract from SiteScope Public API Reference Guide 11. Note: The system validates the entered SiteScope URL with the validContextRoots value. Sample scripts for all the custom monitors are available from the sample content package located in the <SiteScope installation directory>examplesmonitorscustom folder. If you then select a server that has metrics and run the monitor again, the calculated metric result remains n/a. When SiteScope is installed on Red Hat Linux, the SiteScope Server Health monitor requires valid output of sar - W and sar -B commands for the SwapIns/sec, SwapOuts/sec, PageIns/sec, and PageOuts/sec counters. bat <login name>. Tools. If you select this from a group CI, SiteScope opens directly to the group. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. Kindly advise experts. Graph Metrics Options. Tip The SNMP Tool is available when configuring this monitor to query a SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) and retrieve a set of OIDs (provided you are an administrator in SiteScope, or a user granted Use monitor tools permissions). Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. Tools. The average SSH call times for these 25 servers, according to the graph, is 1. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. Management. jar file to the <SiteScope root directory>WEB-INFlib subdirectory. Click OK to save your settings and close the SiteScope Properties dialog box. SiteScope for Load Testing. Graph Metrics Options. The SiteScope login screen opens. Reports Page. Configure the WMI Service for Remote Windows Monitoring. Unless specified on the Java command line in <SiteScope root directory>instart-monitor, the default maximum thread stack size is used. Management Report. If you select this from a group CI, SiteScope opens directly to the group. Delete. WebLogic 6. 3, the latest version of the TLS protocol, which offers enhanced. The New Dynamic Disk Space Monitor dialog box opens. lang. The table is highly customizable. open a Command window. Agentless application monitoring that provides heterogeneous and hybrid support, and quick time to value with easy installation and configuration. SiteScope also allows for customizable metric thresholds and virtual machine management, enabling manual performance. The connection was successful and it automatically created a connecton on the SiteScope side. Quick Report. If SiteScope is unable to calculate a baseline for a monitor, it lists a reason for calculation failure. Mail Details Dialog Box. It enables users to define and use SiteScope monitors on a LoadRunner or Performance Center application. The Templates context •Templates are objects used to reproduce and mass-deploy objects like remote servers, monitors, and alerts according to. Quick Report. The encrypted. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. SiteScope adds the groups, monitors, and alerts to the specified group in the monitor tree. Where all counters in the monitor are from different servers, SiteScope reports the server cluster name to APM. Database Information Tool. The Server Statistics context is updated every 20 seconds. Database Connection Tool. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. 0. This task describes the steps involved in configuring SiteScope to monitor data on remote Windows servers using WMI. Management Report. Graph Metrics Options. Mail Details Dialog Box. SiteScope Alerts Overview. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. Configure the SiteScope Email Preferences server. This ensures uninterrupted. Create a file share for writing the . When SiteScope is connected to APM 9. SiteScope monitoring configuration based on changes that are happening in your IT environment. Unless specified on the Java command line in <SiteScope root directory>instart-monitor, the default maximum thread stack size is used. For monitor user interface details, see UI Descriptions - Dynamic Disk Space Monitor Settings. This monitor supports monitoring on Amazon CloudWatch API version 2010-08-01. Database Connection Tool. Mail Details Dialog Box. After upgrading SiteScope, monitor configuration data can be copied from earlier versions of SiteScope using the Configuration Tool. When SiteScope is installed to run as a custom user account, the account used must have Log on as a service rights. rules file located in the <SiteScope root. The metrics can be visualized by service model, so you can see which components are being affected. Database Information Tool. 10 adds support for TLS 1. The Amazon Web Services monitor enables monitoring of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud resources, starting with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud service (EC2) and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Extend UNIX Monitoring Using Operating System Adapters. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. Reports Page. Enterprise-ready architecture. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. To use it, you need to uncomment the script. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. If you then select a server that has metrics and run the monitor again, the calculated metric result remains n/a. Enter an account and password (and confirm the password) that can access the remote servers. Database Information Tool. Database Information Tool. SiteScope licensing controls the number of monitors that can be created simultaneously and the types of monitors that can be used. Note this task is part of a higher-level task. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. These containers use sharedURL Content monitor overview. This may lead to a situation where the number of license points used by SiteScope monitors exceeds the number of points available. Amazon Web Services Monitor. Reports Page. 2. I am running SItescope 11. Database Connection Tool. In the Monitors section, enter the number of monitors for each type, and the update frequency for each monitor. To Access. Customizable monitors. WinRM is a more secure communication method than NetBIOS & WMI for gathering management data from. Right click on Group and click on Monitor. The monitors are individually configured to automatically test performance and availability of systems and services in the network environment. Hi Dasomm, all SiteScopes connected to the APM are showing a "connected" and healthy status for example in Admin SAM overview. Quick Report. <SiteScope>examplesintegrationsapiinsearch_entities. To use the tool when configuring or editing a monitor, click the Use Tool button. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. Select Template Dialog Box. v2. Tools. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. Dynamic Monitoring Mechanism. The ID code of the monitor. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. When you select to add a new monitor to a SiteScope agent, the list of available monitor types for that agent are displayed both alphabetically and divided by category in the product interface. Create Calculated Metrics. Database Connection Tool. Configure Remote Monitoring Using Secure Shell (SSH). New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. Remote desktop to the remote server to which SiteScope was monitoring. 1. For details, see the SiteScope WebLogic Best Practices document located in <SiteScope root directory>sisdocspdfsSiteScope_WebLogic_Best_Practices. Apache Server Monitor. An increase of either of these suggests that you are experiencing problems. Tools. Using WinRM, you can access system counter data from objects in. The credentials are not stored locally on the SiteScope server. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. I have tried Resync ( Hard and Soft) from Sitescope Integration Preference with no luck . The name of the monitor that caused the alert. Database Connection Tool. The. Monitor Summary Report. To grant a user logon service access:Open the Java Control Panel, and in the General tab, click Network Settings. Reports Page. You can export the report in HTML, CSV and text files. A permanent SiteScope license provides a number of points that are used to activate a combination of monitor types. The email content includes the number of active monitors and groups, along with a URL link to the applicable SiteScope main page plus the version number of SiteScope installation. Database Information Tool. Graph Metrics Options. The Monitors view currently presents data gathered by SiteScope monitors. Database Information Tool. xml . cd to <SiteScope> oolsSNMPMIBCompilation. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. For detailed information on the performance counters that. Database Information Tool. The Integration Preferences Type dialog box is displayed. temp and polcache. After upgrading SiteScope, monitor configuration data can be copied from earlier versions of SiteScope using the Configuration Tool. Starting to compile all mibs in the directory. For details, see Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote Windows Servers. Agentless application monitoring that provides heterogeneous and hybrid support, and quick time to value. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. You can set a timeout value for the Script monitor for SiteScope running on Windows. I wanted the CI's for modelling in a View with HP BPM & Sitescope Monitors. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. Downtime information is not available in System Availability Management reports. Database Information Tool. Configure the report properties, and click Generate Report. Tools. The SiteScope local client enables you to launch the UI of a target SiteScope server as a desktop application without the need for a browser. Alternatively, if you manually created a back up, you must delete all the folders and files from the new installation directory, and then copy the backed up folders and files to the installation directory. Enables importing configuration data from an exported configuration data (. Enable SiteScope to Prefer IP Version 6 Addresses. Reports Page. Set up monitor and group alerts Select the Monitors context. Select the Monitor option and click Next. ★★★★★ ★★★★★. You can use the JBoss Application Server solution templates to deploy a collection of monitors configured with default metrics that test the health, availability, and performanceNew SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. This setup type is used with an LoadRunner or Performance Center installation only. Out-of-the-box monitors. Important information To perform actions, you must be an administrator in SiteScope, or a user granted the necessary permissions. Tip The Services Tool is available when configuring this monitor to view services running on the server where SiteScope is installed (provided you are an administrator in SiteScope, or a user granted Use monitor tools permissions). KM000007742 Products SiteScope (SiS) Article Body Recommended Software Update Micro Focus is announcing the release of Product: SiteScope and SAM. The table is highly customizable. Reports Page. Monitors were failing post upgrade with the following error: "Failed to update monitor. What you can do is to use Deploy Template Using CSV (not Excel!) functionality to deploy SiteScope. Resolution: If possible, use less measurements in SiteScope. Any monitor that detects the end of its Cache Life runs the script again and refreshes the cache. Mail Details Dialog Box. In Administrative Tools, open Services, and select SiteScope from the list of services. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. If the servers you want to monitor require a unique login different than the account SiteScope is running under, you must define the connection to these servers in the Microsoft Windows Remote Servers container. HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, NNTP and MSMQ Queue on IIS 6, 7. Integrate APM. Select Template Dialog Box. 0. Mail Details Dialog Box Reports Page. Monitor utilization, response time, usage, and availability across a variety of host types and application platforms. When an application log message is read, this file is used to decide what action to take. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. Points-based Usage Capacity-based Usage; One point per 15 metrics:The licensing entitlement model used by SiteScope changed from a point-based model to a capacity-type model that is based on the types of objects SiteScope is monitoring. SiteScope REST API monitor enables monitoring the performance of software that provide their counters in the form of JSON or XML through HTTP/HTTPS interfaces using REST API calls. Out-of-the-box monitors. Sitescope also offers. SiteScope for Load Testing. Mail Details Dialog Box. The email content includes the number of active monitors and groups, along with a URL link to the applicable SiteScope main page plus the version number of SiteScope installation. 20 on a Linux server, monitoring ~70 Solarisservers running Solaris 10 (x86). 3) Restart the SiteScope service. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. Configure the Operations Agent connection settings on the SiteScope server. The lowest level shows the SiteScope monitors that contribute to the HI. Select Global Search and Replace from the context menu. Database Information Tool. On Windows platforms, each counter is set to n/a. jar file to the <SiteScope root directory>WEB-INFlib subdirectory. I also increased the connection limit from 3 to 5. SiteScope handles the exceptions differently according to the platform. Setting a Timeout Value for Script Execution. Management Report. When you run a CPU Monitor on a server that has no metrics, the calculated metric result that appears in the SiteScope Dashboard is n/a. Make sure you have the user permissions and credentials required for this monitor as specified in Monitor Permissions and Credentials. Configure the WMI Service for Remote Windows Monitoring. For the list of monitors that support the WMI protocol, see Monitors Supporting WMI section. Cloud: You can monitor virtual servers and applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Show Out of Stock Items. Tools. 5. Lists the SiteScope monitors that pertain to the context selected. Total Number of Monitors 24,000 Total Number of Remote Servers 2,500 Monitor Runs per Minute 3,500 Note: Monitor capacity and velocity can be significantly impacted by numerous factors including, but not limited to the following: SiteScope server hardware, operating system, patches, third-party software, network configuration Makes a copy of the content package folder in the <SiteScope root directory>\\packages\\workspace folder. Supported Platforms/Versions. Monitor Summary Report. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. Database Connection Tool. The WebLogic solution templates are templates that you can use to deploy a collection of WebLogic Monitors configured with default metrics. The daily logs are in the format: SiteScope<YYYY_MM_DD>. SiteScope for Load Testing. Graph Metrics Options. A 100% reading indicates your link is. Mail Details Dialog Box. Configure SiteScope to Monitor Remote UNIX Servers. SiteScope 2022. Configure the events to match in the log, and use SiteScope to monitor this log for. Reports Page. For example, entering the expression /website/ into the Match content box of a monitor instructs SiteScope to search the text content received by the monitor for the literal text string: website. Support for five levels of severity for event mapping. Total Number of Monitors 24,000 Total Number of Remote Servers 2,500 Monitor Runs per Minute 3,500. Reports Page. Select Depends On Monitor Dialog Box. In this event, SiteScope sends a message that it will shut down within 7 days. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. <<newStatus>>. Database Connection Tool. The default UNIX JRE maximum thread stack size, -Xss, is 512 KB memory per thread. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. It also enables you to parse and report a specific value from the command output. mib_SG. Adjust Log Preferences. temp and polcache. Reports Page. The test results appear in the Results pane. SiteScope provides additional monitoring that complements the native LoadRunner and Performance Center monitors. You can use SiteScope to monitor data on remote Windows servers using Windows Remote Management (WINRM). Follow the instructions for installing the support. SiteScope - accessing the SiteScope API via a Python / . In the same way, while the first Failover system is operational and the second Failover is enabled, the second failover will be on standby mode. Alternatively, you can create a report using preconfigured settings, by selecting a monitor and clicking the. 2021-02-04 11:19:42,424 [SiteScope Main Thread] (ServiceController. Reports Page. SiteScope provides additional monitoring that complements the native LoadRunner and Performance Center. Docker is an open source container technology that uses containers to wrap software in a complete file system that contains everything it needs to run. Create Custom Monitors. Reports Page. After upgrading SiteScope, monitor configuration data can be copied from earlier versions of SiteScope using the Configuration Tool. SiteScope provides more than 100 out-of-the-box monitors covering aspects such as utilization, response time, usage, and resource availability. loggrabber. 05. The timeout value is the total time, in seconds, that SiteScope should wait for a successful run of the script. Regards, Anoop. I am trying to troubleshoot why I keep getting a status of "Access Denied" when configuring a directory monitor on a Linux host. Graph Metrics Options. Graph Metrics Options. Alternatively, if you manually created a back up, you must delete all the folders and files from the new installation directory, and then copy the backed up folders and files to the installation directory. The element of a match content expression in SiteScope is the forward slash (/) character. Only a SiteScope administrator user, or a user with View/Edit certificates list permissions, can view, add, or make changes to the certificates keystore on the. Select Global Search and Replace from the context menu. This setup type is used with an LoadRunner or Performance Center installation only. Reports Page. SiteScope monitors are grouped according to classes that indicates their availability and category that reflect their function. Database Information Tool. Agentless monitoring. Reports Page. New SiteScope Monitor Report Dialog Box. It also displays the SiteScope log files. bat script ( LogGrabber. SiteScope REST API monitor enables monitoring the performance of software that provide their counters in the form of JSON or XML through HTTP/HTTPS interfaces using REST API calls. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. The availability of the. In addition, SiteScope can create reports for monitors or monitor group s that display information. Restart the SiteScope service. SiteScope licensing controls the number of monitors that can be created simultaneously and the types of monitors that can be used. SiteScope now locks out the user(s) after a certain number of consecutive failed login attempts. Management Report. Management Report. sh for UNIX) from the <SiteScope root directory> oolsLogGrabberSiteScope folder. Mail Details Dialog Box Reports Page. Using this monitor you can also monitor your. Mail Details Dialog Box. Extend UNIX Monitoring Using Operating System Adapters. Reports Page. To use the tools that are available when configuring specific monitors, you must be a SiteScope administrator user, or a user granted Use monitor tools permissions. Mail Details Dialog Box. Tools. The availability of the. Tools. To view REST API monitor errors and debug information, copy the following sections from theHi All, I am trying to develop a SiteScope monitor that counts total number of specific processes running on 3 servers. Graph Metrics Options. sysstat package on the SiteScope server and on all the monitored remote servers (it's not included out-of-the-box). Graph Metrics Options. Tip The SNMP Browser Tool is available when configuring this monitor to verify the connection properties of an SNMP agent and to gain more information about the MIBs which that agent implements (provided you are an administrator in SiteScope, or a user granted Use monitor tools permissions). By default, a SiteScope Script Alert passes seven command line arguments to a script. Monitor Summary Report. An alert definition contains settings that tell SiteScope what monitors can trigger the alert, what condition to watch for, what information to send, and who should be the recipient s of the alert. Updated on Jul 20, 2021 | 15 minutes to read. New SiteScope Alert Report Dialog Box. Alert Report Create Server-Centric Reports. It enables users to define and use SiteScope monitors on a LoadRunner or Performance Center application. Reports Page. These logs are the basis for SiteScope Reports. Graph Metrics Options.